Kalamazoo Valley Genealogical Society
Kalamazoo Valley Genealogical Society -- Kalamazoo, MI
New Membership

If you are renewing your membership, please login and renew under the MEMBERS tab.
New Members
You can join Kalamazoo Valley Genealogical Society (KVGS) by completing an online application. Begin by clicking the “Next>>” button below. During the enrollment process, you will be asked to:
  • Enter your name (maiden name and birthdate are not needed). Enter the names of affiliate members in your household, and if desired, their email address.
  • Enter your contact information.
  • Create your Login Name and password. Passwords can contain upper and lowercase letters and numbers. Do not use special characters or punctuation. Please create a unique and secure password for your KVGS account.
You will have the opportunity to review the data you’ve enter, and if desired add a donation to KVGS. You can choose to make your payment by PayPal/Credit Card or print an invoice and mail a check. If you have questions or problems with your online application, please email Membership at membership@mikvgs.org
Membership year is July 1 - June 30.
Membership Plan:
Select Membership Plan:
Membership Plans Offered:
Plan Name For Maximum Associated Members Annual Fee Partial Year Description
Household Person(s) 4 $14.00 Beginning April 1, the remainder of the year is included with the next full year's membership. Dues of $14.00. Membership for 1-4 persons at the same residence.